- IMP= Imported
- EX= Extra Quality
- A1 = The very best Quality
- TR= Spray e.g. Rosa TR is Spray Rose
- ST= Standard
- A2, B2, B1 = lesser quality *
* A2, B2, B1 are a lesser quality not recommended for Weddings or special occasion/events ( no refunds will be given for choosing the wrong Quality)
Colours: Although we have made every effort to display the colours accurately, we cannot guarantee that a device's display of the colours accurately reflects the colour of the products. Your product may vary slightly from those images especially at seasonal times of the year when colour intensity maybe stronger or softer.
Length: The measurements are a guide - lengths may be slightly longer or shorter.
Acacia Baleana Extra Xxl 100cm 100cm EX
£8.88 bunch
Acacia Mediterania Mix Extra 70cm A1
£4.86 stem
Acacia P. Bs Baileyana 70cm A1
£4.71 stem
Acacia St Elena 70cm A1
£5.81 Per Bunch
Brun Laevis 40cm A1
£1.01 Per Stem
Eucalyptus Cinerea Xxl 100cm 100cm EX
£8.14 Per Bunch
Eucalyptus Gloria Maria 300gr 65cm A1
£2.97 bunch
Eucalyptus Nicoly 300gr 60cm A1
£5.38 Per Bunch
Eucalyptus Populus Grain Super 300gr 60cm SUP
£5.62 bunch
Eucalyptus Populus Grain Super 300gr 60cm SUP
£5.62 bunch
Forsy I Spectabilis 110cm A1
£2.77 Per Stem
Forsy I Spectabilis 130cm A1
£4.08 Per Stem
Forsy I Spectabilis 60cm A2
£1.04 Per Stem
Forsy I Spectabilis 70cm A2
£1.21 Per Stem
Forsy I Spectabilis 80cm A1
£1.51 Per Stem
Forsy I Spectabilis 90cm A1
£1.90 Per Stem
Jacobaea Maritima 55cm A1
£0.85 Per Stem
Acacia Baleana Extra 70cm EX Col-Gray
£6.84 Per Stem
Acacia Baleyana 200gr 70cm
£4.49 Per Stem
Acacia Baleyana 200gr 70cm
£5.56 bunch